Thursday, March 26, 2009

How to liquidate your metals

People often ask me what is the best way to liquidate their actual gold and silver investments in a time of a need. Let me share some insights on this.

First, you might want to buy with the intent of holding for the long term. Let me suggest setting a little money each month and slowly building personal reserves that you have the capacity to forget. Trading is good but will serve you for a short period of time.

Second, realize that INVESTING is a PLAN. Plan how much percentage of your income you are willing to set aside and 'forget' for a while. Trading is a professional game and is not for the uninitiated. Some of the greatest investors like Jim Rogers do not like to trade, in his book 'HOT COMMODITIES' Rogers wrote that he was not a good trader and preferred to buy a very low priced commodity and hold it for the long term.

Third, check historical prices of gold and silver, there are many websites that give this information for free. Know what are the historical highs and lows so as to get a feel of the market. Knowing if a commodity is under priced will help in the decision making process.

Fourth, Invest in your education. Educating yourself in the metals section and knowing the current economic situation in the markets of the US and other industrialized countries will help build the rationale.

Fifth, IF you still insist in trading. There is a little advice I can give, there are many companies that can liquidate your metals for you. If it is of small quantity, you might want to email me at, I can easily find a buyer for you.

Remember, it is not the money but it is the PROCESS that ultimately leads to great wealth!

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